White Glove Service

General number (info & appointments): 484-626-0994
To check in ONLY: 484-460-6798

For the safety of our clients, patients, and nurses, we are currently operating 100% curbside. Our White Glove service provides the same excellent care to your pet. We are not allowing clients inside our building at this time. You WILL meet with the surgeon for any consultation and before any surgery. When you arrive at our practice, please call 484-460-6798 and our team will provide instructions for the next steps.

Pet Referral Form

Thank you for thinking of us!

This form should ONLY be filled in by a veterinary team member (i.e. not by a pet owner).
Then we’ll be in touch with you and your client ASAP.

(ex: Yes / 12-12-2024)
X-rays in JPEG format
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload in JPEG format (no zip files).
Medical Record & Diagnostics in JPEG/PDF format
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload in JPEG/PDF format (no zip files).
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